Annie Sloan Wall Paint Review (+ Beginner Friendly Wall Painting Guide)
The second best part about staying at my parents in Finland is their house. (The best best part is, obviously, spending time with family.) Mom and Dad’s house is HUGE. As in, the place is massive. As in, you can…

DIY Painted Wood Grain Tablecloth
A couple years ago I was challenged to style a dining table for Christmas. (It still feels crazy to say “as seen on Kirstie Allsopp’s Handmade Christmas”.) Of all the things I made for my festive table, this tablecloth has…

Modern Shelf Makeover with Rust-Oleum
In collaboration with Rust-Oleum Our front room has had a rethink. I’d call it a makeover, but mostly it’s just been a lot of rearranging furniture. I did need a new shelf. So when I was offered the chance to…