My life list

4 things for 2014:

I want to:

1. Keep a gratitude journal. (3 things a day)
2.  Write my Sunday column every week, rain or shine.
3. Purchase gifts that are British designed/handmade.
4. Celebrate one thing every month. (Minimum!)

Cave ¦ Crafting Fingers

Who doesn’t like thinking of doing something cool, or being better at something?

I’ve always had a list of things I want to do, places I want to go, and people I want to meet. It’s about time I put it all in one place. I’ve started to think of my life list as my life ‘wishlist’. We all love writing to Santa, right? Why not all year long?! (Now THAT is a fantastic idea.)

This list is only for things I will do. Not ‘might want to’, not ‘maybe someday’, but ‘will do.’

The biggest force behind me finally doing this was finding Melanie Biehle’s life list, the amazing woman behind Inward Facing Girl. I’ve stolen the title ‘Life List’ from her. ;)


Before 2015, I dream of …

1. Making a living through my crafts and writing.

2. Raising a husky puppy (or two!) with Alex.

3. Growing a flourishing veg + herb garden.

4. Having my crafts featured in Country Living UK.

5. Getting the guts to start making videos.. with my face in them!

6. Crocheting an afghan big enough to cover a king-sized bed.

7. Riding in a hot air balloon!

8. Finally knitting an adult-sized jumper.

9. Learning to scuba dive.

Places and Travel:

1. The Natural History + British History Museums in London

2. Paris (Tour de France!)

3. A photo trip through Scottish nature reserves.

4. Rome, before it’s too late!

5. Machu Picchu

Crafts I Want to Try

Cabinet making, embroidery, weaving, whittling, glass blowing, paper making, bookbinding, sewing, millinery, candle making, calligraphy, tied straw work, natural dyeing, basketweaving, pottery, pyrography

4 Responses

  1. Melanie
    Melanie at · Reply

    Anna, this is awesome! Putting it all down is such a great feeling and it helps you focus on the things that you really want to do. I’m so excited for you and I love your “will do” determination. That’s really what drives everything. Thanks for reading Inward Facing Girl and for your sweet comments. xoxo

  2. Jo-Jo
    Jo-Jo at · Reply

    Love your blog, wish I had the confidence to try and turn my love of crafting, especially crochet in to a business.

    You should look at Attic24 blog, she is fab!!

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