My wonky crochet adventures!
Ahh, there it is. My first granny square, ever, and my first proper crochet project! Isn’t it adorably wonky? Learning to crochet is something I never thought I would do, but look! There’s the proof that ‘cannot’ isn’t permanent, after all….

And January’s craft to learn is …!
Yep. I’m becoming a hooker! .. But not that kind. A crochet hooker. Ahh, crochet. Beautiful and simple, all you need is a ball of yarn and a hooked needle. It’s difficult to talk about my interest in crochet without…

Happy New Year!
It’s an hour into the New Year, so time to take the leap and write the first post for Crafting Fingers! What time could be better suited for the birth of a new project? After a busy, wonderful, fantastic 2012…